Auction Results

Saturday Auction Results On 3 Jul 2021 in Brisbane, QLD

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All Unsold

Address Sold Price Result* Type

Taringa QLD 4068

15 Queens Rd N/A PN House 3

The Gap QLD 4061

3 Nina St N/A PN House 4

Thornlands QLD 4164

196 Boundary Rd N/A VB House 3
54 Ribonwood St N/A PN House 5
Some properties are not in the list because of insufficient data
*Result Key:
S - property sold;
SP - property sold prior;
SA - sold after auction;
SB - sold before auction;
SN - sold not disclosed;
SS - sold after auction price not disclosed.
PN - sold prior not disclosed;
Private - private sale
PI - property passed in;
NB - no bid;
VB - vendor bid;
W - withdrawn prior to auction;
N/A - price or highest bid not available.